Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Electro swinging with special guest Ned Scott from The Egg at the pre-Jubilee party @ Cargo! Catch our set here on Soundcloud...


Sunday, 3 June 2012

Am very proud to announce we have just been sponsored by Ableton! Although other software can do wonders in terms of depth, intuitiveness and quality, Ableton Live beats them all with its combination of simplicity and features that make for a fun live experience. Ableton Live simply hits it right where it counts and for that it is the top music production software. Ableton Live is built for live performance. The program and its interface are designed for on-the-go, real-time manipulation, modification, mixing and creation. For that reason, electronica artists the world over have been using the program in their sets as a central instrument, using its sequencers, synthesizers, effects and combinations to make sounds and songs unlike any other. Ableton you rock!